AJKICK101 Tutorials & Courses: We want you to be satisfied with your purchase of our online courses and tutorials. If you have any questions or problems or decide your purchase was not the right decision, please start by emailing our support team at 

To be eligible for a refund or cancellation of your subscription, you must actively watch all of the videos in the course (at least 90%) before submitting a request for refund before 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on the 30th day following your purchase. You can only submit your request for a refund once. Failure to meet this criteria will result in automatic disqualification, as all refunds and cancellations of subscriptions are completed via AUTOMATION.

This return policy was created and is enforced by the legal representatives of AJKICK101 Studios. 

If we believe that you are attempting to take advantage of our return policy, we have the right to decline your refund request, contact our payment gateway (Stripe, PayPal), contact your bank (Chase, Huntington, etc.), and press charges without further notice. 

If you believe you meet the criteria for a refund, you can submit a request by contacting us at

All Exclusive Offers (Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, New Year's, promo code-applied purchases, etc.) are non-refundable. There are no exceptions.